Tell President Biden: ban sales of aviation fuel to Myanmar
The Burmese military is using its air force to indiscriminately bomb civilians. Since the coup, homes, schools, hospitals and churches throughout the country have been damaged or destroyed. The majority of the estimated 700,000 people who have been forced to flee their homes since the military coup last year have fled because of airstrikes or the threat of airstrikes. Without aviation fuel the jets can’t fly. If they can’t fly, they can’t bomb.

Sign the petition to demand that President Biden block sales of aviation fuel to the Myanmar military.

Amnesty International’s recent report, Deadly Cargo, outlines the oil, shipping, and financial services companies involved in aviation fuel sales.

Sign the petition, demanding that ExxonMobil stop selling jet fuel to the Myanmar military.

Sign for justice in DRC: On October 1, thousands of activists took to the streets across the Democratic Republic of Congo, advocating for transitional justice and an end to impunity for mass atrocities, including sexual violence. The National Movement for Survivors of Sexual Violence in DRC initiated a petition that has since been endorsed by Amnesty International and many other human rights organizations. Learn more about the movement and sign the petition HERE to demand the implementation of the United Nations Mapping Report.

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