Stand Up: Lessons from the Holocaust

Soon it will be too late to hear directly from Holocaust survivors themselves the lessons they want to impart to us. This documentary features the stories of four survivors of the Holocaust as told by the survivors. In this documentary, we explore how their experiences help us, both now and as we face the future, and how their experiences speak to us about standing up when we see prejudice, tyranny, and inhumanity.

We want this documentary to serve as a resource for educators to be able to incorporate these concepts into their classrooms. The lessons in this documentary can be applied to any number of circumstances, as the message of kindness and up-stander behavior is universal. 

We asked students for their questions, which we presented to four Portland area Holocaust survivors.

Read more about the survivors featured in our documentary by clicking on the name:

Dedicated to the memory of Wolf Pakula, z"/

Filmed and Produced by:
Julia Reihs and Lani Milton

A project of the Never Again Coalition:

Join Together We Remember to transform remembrance into action:

Filmed on location at Rose Schnitzer Manor and Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education

Kol Shalom Community for Humanistic Judaism
Congregation Neveh Shalom and its Rabbis
Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education

Evelyn Banko
Anneke Bloomfield
Ruth Bolliger
Wolf Pakula

Amaya Korin
Sofia Yazzolino
Theo Ackermann
WeiLai Nathan
Niels Truman